Category: Billfish

Wild Oceans Builds Striped Marlin Coalition

Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Blog, RFMO’s, Billfish, Striped Marlin

Wild Oceans has been building a collation of local, national, and international recreational fishing, small boat and ocean conservation organizations asking the United States to prioritize development and adoption of a conservation and management measure for Western and Central North Pacific Ocean (WCNPO) striped marlin this year. The Pacific’s largest ...

President Signs Billfish Conservation Act II

Author: Tim Choate Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Victories, Press Releases

August 2, 2018.  President Donald Trump today signed into law HR 4528, bipartisan legislation to amend the Billfish Conservation Act to clarify that Pacific billfish exempted from the 2012 law’s federal no-sale provision must be sold locally in Hawaii and Pacific island territories (Guam, Samoa, etc.).  In effect, it achieves the ...

A Bill to Bolster Billfish Protections

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Big Fish

Amendment Clarifies Intent of 2012 Conservation Act by Ken Hinman, Wild Oceans President A rule to fully implement the Billfish Conservation Act of 2012 had the ignominious honor of being the only proposed rulemaking left unfinished by the Department of Commerce before the change of Administrations in January. For four ...

The Buck Stops…Where?

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Big Fish

Amendment Clarifies Intent of 2012 Conservation Act by Ken Hinman, Wild Oceans President To fully implement the Billfish Conservation Act of 2012, NOAA Fisheries must enact a Final Rule. Before the Final Rule there must be a Proposed Rule. And before that, an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR). The ...

Getting Past Customs

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Big Fish

Exemption for Hawaiian Traditions Creates Legal, Trade Hurdles for BCA by Ken Hinman, Wild Oceans President Since passage of The Billfish Conservation Act of 2012, foreign imports of marlin and other billfish, estimated at up to 30,000 fish a year pre-BCA, have come to a halt, making it one more ...

The Other World Cup

Author: Stephanie Choate Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Big Fish

STEPHANIE CHOATE CELEBRATES HER INDEPENDENCE BY WINNING THE WORLD BLUE MARLIN CHAMPIONSHIP By Stephanie Choate I came to Kona, Hawaii with the understanding that it had fish – and big fish at that. I had previously fished the World Cup in Cape Verde and Madeira, but I never saw a ...

BCA Closer to Complete Ban on US Mainland Billfish Sales

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Marlin, Victories, Big Fish, Our News

When the Billfish Conservation Act (BCA) was signed into US law nearly a year ago, conservationists worldwide cheered that the globe’s largest market for imported marlin, sailfish, and spearfish would soon be closed. Although the challenge of getting a bill passed through the legislative process was won, there is still work to ...

United States Protects Imperiled Species: Billfish Conservation Act Becomes Law

Author: Wild Ocean Team Posted Under: Blog, Billfish, Victories, Big Fish

On October 6, 2012, President Obama signed the Billfish Conservation Act into law, effectively banning the importation of all billfish into the continental United States. The signing marks the culmination of a united undertaking by a diverse coalition of angling and conservation organizations working in cooperation with a bipartisan group ...