Category: Big Fish
Coalition Achieves Conservation Gains for Atlantic Blue Shark
Earlier this month, Wild Oceans joined colleagues including SharkProject to ask the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT or Commission) to reduce the catch of North Atlantic and South Atlantic blue shark and task their scientists with developing long term options for managing blue shark. ICCAT took ...
Take Action: Striped Bass Amendment 7
Weigh In Now for a Strong Striped Bass Plan 06/05/2022 Update: On May 4th, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board approved Amendment 7. The new plan lays a solid foundation for rebuilding the stock and for ensuring prompt and effective conservation action. Read the highlights ...
In November, after more than a decade of warning about the vulnerability and decline of North Atlantic shortfin mako shark, international managers banned the retention of all shortfin mako sharks for two years. International scientists have advised that a moratorium is the most immediate step we can take to reverse the decline and rebuild the population, but it will still take more than five decades to fully recover this deeply depleted population.
Rebuild the Bass
We Need to Rebuild Striped Bass, Not Move the Goal Posts The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is seeking public input on potential changes to the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fishery Management Plan (ISFMP). Ten issues are presented in a Public Information Document (PID) for what will be Amendment 7 to ...
This November, we have a chance to end the use of destructive drift gillnets in our oceans. California commercial fishermen use large-mesh gillnets to catch swordfish, but the gear also entangles, injures and kills over 60 other species, including sharks, billfish, endangered marine turtles, marine mammals and scores of ocean fish. Because drift gillnets are indiscriminate, ensnaring all marine life in their path, they are prohibited off the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Washington state, Alaska, Oregon and Hawaii.
Diverse Coalition Supports Keeping Longlines Out of California
24 local and national recreational leaders tell the Pacific Fishery Management Council to keep longlines out of west coast ports Next Tuesday, November 19, the Pacific Fishery Management Council is meeting in Costa Mesa, CA to revisit a plan to permit a California based longline fishery. While we all support ...
Short Sighted
Short Sighted – NOAA’ s Push for More Longlines Jeopardizes Long-term Conservation Gains by Theresa Labriola In the past two years, the gatekeepers of our public trust resources have been pursuing an aggressive agenda of increased exploitation that has reached the ocean. When Wilbur Ross was appointed Commerce Department Secretary, he ...
The Pacific Bluefin: Down But Not Out – Yet
With ESA Listing Denied, Attention Shifts Back to International Management Bodies by Ken Hinman The U.S. government earlier this month denied a petition to list Pacific bluefin tuna under the Endangered Species Act, citing recent international actions that may have stabilized the population and could, if continued, put bluefin ...
Got Tuna?
TWO WAYS TO HELP SCIENTISTS STUDY PACIFIC TUNA by Theresa Labriola Anglers can help NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC or Center) with their research of Pacific Bluefin Tuna and Pacific Albacore. Here’s how. In recent years, Pacific bluefin tuna bigger than 150 pounds have schooled off of California. This year, ...
A Bill to Bolster Billfish Protections
Amendment Clarifies Intent of 2012 Conservation Act by Ken Hinman, Wild Oceans President A rule to fully implement the Billfish Conservation Act of 2012 had the ignominious honor of being the only proposed rulemaking left unfinished by the Department of Commerce before the change of Administrations in January. For four ...
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