Category: Sharks


Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Blog, RFMO’s, Sharks, Victories, Big Fish

In November, after more than a decade of warning about the vulnerability and decline of North Atlantic shortfin mako shark, international managers banned the retention of all shortfin mako sharks for two years. International scientists have advised that a moratorium is the most immediate step we can take to reverse the decline and rebuild the population, but it will still take more than five decades to fully recover this deeply depleted population.

Sharks, Rays Win New Trade Protections

Author: Wild Ocean Team Posted Under: Blog, Sharks, Big Fish

Five species of sharks and two types of manta rays won new safeguards Monday, as delegates to a global wildlife summit voted to limit the trade of species that have been overharvested for decades.

NOAA Fisheries Implements International Provisions of the Shark Conservation Act

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Blog, Sharks, Big Fish

NOAA Fisheries has stepped up measures to protect sharks from the lucrative shark fin trade. New regulations issued on January 16th to implement international provisions of the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 require the United States to identify nations whose fishing vessels catch sharks on the high seas but whose ...