Author: Pam Lyons Gromen

5-Year Plan Offers Promising Future for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Councils, Blog, Prey Base

Tell the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council that You Support Their Commitment to Ocean Stewardship! The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking public comment on a draft strategic plan that outlines the Council’s vision, mission and strategic goals for 5 years spanning 2014 through 2018. Developed from extensive stakeholder outreach and ...

Federal Councils Act to Protect River Herring and Shad at Sea

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Herring, Blog, Councils, Prey Base, Victories

Bycatch of river herring and shad in federal fisheries will finally be regulated, affording these imperiled forage fish protection at sea where they spend most of their lives. Measures adopted by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council two weeks ago in New York City and last week by the New England ...

Federal Council Approves Measure to Conserve River Herring and Shad

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Herring, Councils, Blog, Prey Base

On June 12th the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council placed the first-ever limits on the catch of river herring and shad in offshore waters, capping the amount that can be taken in a year by trawl netters fishing for mackerel. Individual states along the eastern seaboard have tightly restricted and in a ...

NOAA Fisheries Implements International Provisions of the Shark Conservation Act

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Blog, Sharks, Big Fish

NOAA Fisheries has stepped up measures to protect sharks from the lucrative shark fin trade. New regulations issued on January 16th to implement international provisions of the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 require the United States to identify nations whose fishing vessels catch sharks on the high seas but whose ...