‘Natural Living’ Magazine Picks Top Environmental Non-Profits

WATERFORD, VIRGINIA – Wild Oceans, a 45-year old organization dedicated to keeping the oceans wild to preserve the future of fishing, was just selected as one of the 12 Best Environmental Nonprofits to Donate to this Holiday Season by Garden Collage Magazine, a magazine that celebrates a contemporary approach to natural living.
In choosing Wild Oceans as a top organization for donations, the magazine said that:
“Wild Oceans works to address the threats to our global fishing economy, from over fishing and poor coastal management to environmental degradation and the preservation of species like Blue Marlin. The authority for conserving fisheries in United States waters arises from several statutes, but ultimately, Earth contains only one global ocean, a place where better policies lead to more dynamic fishing, a cleaner and well-functioning ecosystem and a safer seafood supply chain. A donation to Wild Oceans helps keep the ocean, well, wild – which ultimately improves conditions for current and future consumers and fishermen alike.”
“Great news for Wild Oceans!” said Ken Hinman, President of the organization. “We need to expand research and outreach to ensure protection of our marine environment and fisheries. We just received a donation of $200,000 to expand the impact of our organization but that donation requires we raise an additional $200,000. The selection of Wild Oceans as one of the best organizations for charitable donations could not have come at a better time.” Wild Oceans is a tax exempt, 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
Those wishing to donate can do so on line by going to wildoceans.org, by mail to Wild Oceans, PO Box 258, Waterford, Virginia 20197. Ken Hinman can be reached for more information at khinman@wildoceans.org or by calling 703-777-0037. Wild Oceans recently completed an updated business plan with goals to: preserve fishing opportunities with a focus on the oceans top predators like billfish, swordfish, tunas and sharks; and to protect the food web and habitat for all fish, marine mammals and seabirds.
“Wild Oceans is eminently qualified to lead the effort along with our many partners to protect fish, fishing and the wild ocean we share,” Hinman said. “Our vision is to advocate for more balanced, more natural and far wiser approaches to managing marine fisheries, grounded in policies that sustain fishing in ways that protects the ecosystem and its living communities.”