Resource Sharing: The Berkeley Criterion
2015 Author: Ken HinmanWhen we fish, we join the ocean world as predators. That is what we are, by nature, and have been since early times. But unlike other predators, we are limited only by the limits we set for ourselves. Or so we’d like to think. We are subject to all the same natural laws as other predators, yet we behave as if we were not – as though we could fish without regard for fishing’s impact on the ecosystems we share.
All creatures share an evolutionary drive to selfishly advance their own species. But in our case, a narrow view of “sustainable” fishing, a lack of regard for sustaining other forms of life in the sea, and “a power over the natural world we can no longer afford to use” all work to our collective disadvantage, irreparably harming the environment that supports all of us.
In this paper, Wild Oceans president Ken Hinman suggests a more balanced, more natural and far wiser approach to managing marine fisheries, grounded in policies that sustain fishing in a way that protects the broader ecosystem and its living communities. It is, quite simply, Resource Sharing – a novel concept that is nevertheless essential to our co-existence with wild oceans. The future of fishing, we believe, lies in the balance.
Preserving the Northeast Forage Base
2010 Author: Ken Hinman and Pam Lyons GromenThis report presents an overview of forage fisheries managed by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Councils as well as the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Red flags are raised as to the state of the Northeast forage base as a whole, with declines cited in a number of important forage populations, including menhaden, mackerel, shad and river herring. Recommendations for advancing ecosystem-based approaches to forage fish management are included. Authored by Ken Hinman and Pam Lyons Gromen, published December 2010
Taking the Bait: Are America’s Fisheries Out-Competing Predators for Their Prey?
2006 Author: Pam Lyons GromenThis NCMC report covers the basics of forage fish and why they are important. It investigates why protecting key forage species is a logical starting point to begin the progression to ecosystem-based management (considering how fishing affects predator-prey interactions). We analyze 3 federal fishery management plans for prey species and make specific suggestions for changes, many of which can be implemented within the current management structure and without a lengthy and costly amendment process. Authored by Pam Lyons Gromen, published August 2006.
Ocean Roulette: Conserving Sharks, Swordfish and other Pelagic Fish in Longline-Infested Waters
1998 Author: Ken HinmanA first-ever, comprehensive report based on a study of the destructive practice of fishing with drift longlines. The report reviews available options for minimizing bykill in the Atlantic longline fisheries, as well as status of the stocks for those fish primarily caught on longlines, such as swordfish and tuna, and the effectiveness of current regulations. It concludes with specific recommendations for curtailing the adverse impacts of drift longlines. Authored by Ken Hinman, published February 1998, 108 pp. OUT OF PRINT
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