Category: Sustainable Fishing Practices
Pacific Council Corrects Course on Buoy Gear
by Theresa Labriola In September, the Pacific Fishery Management Council reversed an earlier decision to postpone permitting buoy gear in the swordfish fishery in favor of more research. Changing its mind, the Council has now decided to pursue authorization because five years of research already tells us that this new, ...
Pacific Council “Flip-Flops” on Greener Gear
by Theresa Labriola When a politician changes heart over something that millions of others have changed their mind on and owns up to it, we call them “evolved.” But when the Pacific Fishery Management Council, led by California, changes course on authorizing deep set buoy gear (DSBG) despite overwhelming public ...
A Vision of Sustainable Fishing
by Ken Hinman, President, Wild Oceans BYCATCH IS THE NON-POINT POLLUTION OF FISHING. That’s what I called it in an article I wrote for Salt Water Sportsman 16 years ago, to make the point that you can’t stop it simply by putting a cap on landings. It leaks from thousands of ...
Unfinished Business
“There are still threats to big fish that need our attention” By Ken Hinman In this summer’s edition of the Wild Oceans Horizon, I wrote about the tremendous progress we’ve made securing measures to save big fish from indiscriminate fishing and aid in the recovery of billfish, bluefin tuna and ...
Wild Oceans Releases “Resource Sharing”
New Paper Outlines a More Natural Way to Fish in Wild Oceans To sustain life in the ocean while at the same time ensuring a healthy future for fishing at sea, we need to fish as part of the natural system, as one among many predators, argues a new white ...
New White Paper on Resource Sharing
RESOURCE SHARING: The Berkeley Criterion On August 10th Wild Oceans will release a “white paper” entitled Resource Sharing: The Berkeley Criterion, written by president Ken Hinman. It describes what he believes to be a more balanced, more natural and far wiser alternative to our present way of managing marine fisheries, specifically those for ...
Resource Sharing: The Berkeley Criterion
When we fish, we join the ocean world as predators. That is what we are, by nature, and have been since early times. But unlike other predators, we are limited only by the limits we set for ourselves. Or so we’d like to think. We are subject to all the ...
Lines Out for Bluefin
NOAA CLOSES MORE WATERS TO LONGLINING, WILL CLOSE FISHERY IF IT REACHES BYCATCH CAP October 2014 Five years ago, when NOAA Fisheries announced they were looking for ways to limit the longline bycatch and discard of Atlantic bluefin tuna, we had some suggestions. In August 2009, Wild Oceans (then NCMC)recommended a comprehensive conservation program ...
NOAA Ponders Seafood Certification
“SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT GET INTO THE BUSINESS OF CERTIFYING FISHERIES?” By Ken Hinman The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is seeking public input on a proposal to certify United States seafood as “sustainable.” The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, which sets the standards for federally-managed fisheries, would provide the basis ...
Pacific Council Makes Plans to Phase-Out Drift Nets
Pacific Council Makes Plans to Phase-Out Drift Nets The Pacific Fishery Management Council, at its March meeting in Sacramento, Calif., took several steps toward developing a “comprehensive plan” for moving away from the use of drift gill nets to catch swordfish in favor of more “environmentally and economically sustainable” types ...
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