Category: Prey Base

Pacific Council Finishes Precautionary Plan to Protect Unmanaged Forage

Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Sardine, Blog, Councils, Prey Base

By Theresa Labriola –  In September 2015, I attended the Pacific Fishery Management Council in Sacramento to celebrate the Council’s completion of their first ecosystem-based amendment, three years in the making, which will protect unmanaged and unfished forage fish from directed commercial fishing. The Council approved regulations drafted by the National Marine ...

Mid-Atlantic Moves to Safeguard Unprotected Forage Base

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Blog, Councils, Prey Base

“Scoping Reveals Emerging Forage Fisheries” By Pam Lyons Gromen At the October 7th meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, we heard disturbing word from the region’s fishermen that a handful of unmanaged forage species are already the target of commercial fisheries, including round herring, Spanish sardine and chub mackerel, ...

Pacific Council Finishes Precautionary Plan to Protect Unmanaged Forage

Author: Wild Ocean Team Posted Under: Blog, Councils, Prey Base

In September 2015, I attended the Pacific Fishery Management Council in Sacramento to celebrate the Council’s completion of their first ecosystem-based amendment, three years in the making, which will protect unmanaged and unfished forage fish from directed commercial fishing. The Council approved regulations drafted by the National Marine Fisheries Service ...

The Past and Future of Menhaden

Author: Wild Ocean Team Posted Under: Menhaden, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Blog, Prey Base

ASMFC INITIATES AMENDMENT 3 TO PROTECT ATLANTIC MENHADEN AS FORAGE On May 5th, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission had one foot in the past and one in the future. At the same meeting where it approved a modest increase in the coast-wide quota based on an out-moded single-species stock assessment, the Menhaden ...

Menhaden Bait and Switch

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Menhaden, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Blog, Prey Base

WILL THE ASMFC SNATCH DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY?” By Ken Hinman On Tuesday, May 5, a 15-state ASMFC Menhaden Management Board will decide the next steps in conserving “the most important fish in the sea,” based on the latest stock assessment; that is, whether to continue toward an ...

Marking Time On Menhaden

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Menhaden, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Blog, Prey Base

New Menhaden Stock Assessment Highlights, Yet Again, the Need for Ecosystem Goals By Ken Hinman “We have all been here before.” – David Crosby, Déjà Vu The just-published 2015 Atlantic menhaden stock assessment says the species is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring. Okay, we’ve heard that before. But what does ...

250 Million More Menhaden In 2014

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Menhaden, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Blog, Prey Base, Victories

MENHADEN CONSERVATION MEASURES LEAVE MORE PREY IN THE WATER TO SUSTAIN PREDATORS 250 million menhaden!  That’s the estimated number of these vital forage fish left in the water in 2013 to feed Atlantic striped bass, bluefin tuna, osprey, whales and myriad other marine animals, because of a new east coast ...

5-Year Plan Offers Promising Future for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Blog, Councils, Prey Base

Tell the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council that You Support Their Commitment to Ocean Stewardship! The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking public comment on a draft strategic plan that outlines the Council’s vision, mission and strategic goals for 5 years spanning 2014 through 2018. Developed from extensive stakeholder outreach and ...

Federal Councils Act to Protect River Herring and Shad at Sea

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Herring, Blog, Councils, Prey Base, Victories

Bycatch of river herring and shad in federal fisheries will finally be regulated, affording these imperiled forage fish protection at sea where they spend most of their lives. Measures adopted by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council two weeks ago in New York City and last week by the New England ...

Federal Council Approves Measure to Conserve River Herring and Shad

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Herring, Blog, Councils, Prey Base

On June 12th the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council placed the first-ever limits on the catch of river herring and shad in offshore waters, capping the amount that can be taken in a year by trawl netters fishing for mackerel. Individual states along the eastern seaboard have tightly restricted and in a ...