Category: Prey Base
Introduction to a new blog series, A Question of Science, reflecting on how the health of Atlantic menhaden, one of the most important prey fish in the sea, is assessed. Confirmation bias is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions. – Science Daily ...
Victory for Atlantic Herring
Fed upon by a long list of ocean wildlife from whales to seabirds to tuna, Atlantic herring is the linchpin holding together the food web in New England waters. On September 25th at its meeting in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the New England Fishery Management Council took groundbreaking action to better manage Atlantic ...
The following editorial appears in the Winter 2018 edition of The Wild Oceans Horizon. Become a member to receive our newsletter on a regular basis. The Year Looked Good on Paper by Ken Hinman We did everything we could to get where we wanted to be. But it turned out not to ...
Groundbreaking Actions Proposed to Safeguard Atlantic Herring as Forage
Make Sure New England Fishery Managers Hear Your Support! Public comment is being sought by the New England Fishery Management Council on actions designed to better manage Atlantic sea herring for its ecological role as forage. Atlantic herring has been described as the linchpin holding together the food web in ...
Ecological Reference Points for Menhaden are Ready, But Menhaden Managers Are Not by Ken Hinman, November 17, 2017 Earlier this week, the ASMFC’s Menhaden Management Board, meeting in Baltimore to finalize Amendment 3 to its Atlantic Menhaden Management Plan, voted to wait at least another two years before adopting catch limits ...
For Menhaden, Time to Act is Here and Now
Draft Amendment 3 to the Interstate Management Plan for Atlantic Menhaden Finally Offers a Way to Protect “The Most Important Fish in the Sea” by Ken Hinman In nature, you cannot do just one thing, as Walter Youngquist puts it, because everything is connected to everything else. That’s why you ...
New Ecosystem Plan for Menhaden
At The Crossroads by Ken Hinman On the long road to change, we encounter twists and turns, roadblocks and detours. Right now, on the way to changing the way we allocate Atlantic menhaden among fishermen and other predators in the ocean (e.g., striped bass), we are at a ...
The People’s Choice for Menhaden
THE 75% SOLUTION INCLUDED IN MANAGEMENT OPTIONS On February 1st, the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board met in Alexandria, Virginia to review public comment on an array of options for changing the way we manage what is perhaps the most important forage fish on the east coast, and to decide which ...
Act Now For The Future Of Menhaden
by Ken Hinman The Commission responsible for conserving Atlantic menhaden is seeking public comment on changes to the way this important east coast forage fish is managed with respect to its role in the ecosystem, as well as revisiting how the catch is allocated among fisheries from Maine to Florida. ...
Big Victory for Little Fish
Feds Finalize Ban on New West Coast Forage Fisheries By Theresa Labriola – For more than a decade Wild Oceans has been a champion for a broader ecosystem approach to managing marine fisheries beginning with protections of predator-prey relationships. On April 4, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued the Final Rule ...
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