Category: Menhaden
New Ecosystem Plan for Menhaden
At The Crossroads by Ken Hinman On the long road to change, we encounter twists and turns, roadblocks and detours. Right now, on the way to changing the way we allocate Atlantic menhaden among fishermen and other predators in the ocean (e.g., striped bass), we are at a ...
The People’s Choice for Menhaden
THE 75% SOLUTION INCLUDED IN MANAGEMENT OPTIONS On February 1st, the Atlantic Menhaden Management Board met in Alexandria, Virginia to review public comment on an array of options for changing the way we manage what is perhaps the most important forage fish on the east coast, and to decide which ...
Act Now For The Future Of Menhaden
by Ken Hinman The Commission responsible for conserving Atlantic menhaden is seeking public comment on changes to the way this important east coast forage fish is managed with respect to its role in the ecosystem, as well as revisiting how the catch is allocated among fisheries from Maine to Florida. ...
The Past and Future of Menhaden
ASMFC INITIATES AMENDMENT 3 TO PROTECT ATLANTIC MENHADEN AS FORAGE On May 5th, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission had one foot in the past and one in the future. At the same meeting where it approved a modest increase in the coast-wide quota based on an out-moded single-species stock assessment, the Menhaden ...
Menhaden Bait and Switch
WILL THE ASMFC SNATCH DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY?” By Ken Hinman On Tuesday, May 5, a 15-state ASMFC Menhaden Management Board will decide the next steps in conserving “the most important fish in the sea,” based on the latest stock assessment; that is, whether to continue toward an ...
Marking Time On Menhaden
New Menhaden Stock Assessment Highlights, Yet Again, the Need for Ecosystem Goals By Ken Hinman “We have all been here before.” – David Crosby, Déjà Vu The just-published 2015 Atlantic menhaden stock assessment says the species is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring. Okay, we’ve heard that before. But what does ...
Menhaden Numbers Are In And The News Is Good
NEW CONSERVATION RULES LEAVE MORE FISH IN THE WATER The 2013 menhaden fishing season was a banner year – for Atlantic menhaden and the many marine animals that live off them. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission reports that landings of Atlantic menhaden last year were 25% below the total catch for ...
250 Million More Menhaden In 2014
MENHADEN CONSERVATION MEASURES LEAVE MORE PREY IN THE WATER TO SUSTAIN PREDATORS 250 million menhaden! That’s the estimated number of these vital forage fish left in the water in 2013 to feed Atlantic striped bass, bluefin tuna, osprey, whales and myriad other marine animals, because of a new east coast ...
Coming Together: Striped Bass and Menhaden
By Ken Hinman Two iconic fish – the striped bass, perhaps the most popular game fish on the east coast, and menhaden, the prey of choice for stripers and dozens of other coastal Atlantic predators – will be the topic of discussions at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Atlantic States Marine ...
Menhaden Science Supports Conservation
By Ken Hinman Are Atlantic menhaden “overfished” or not? For the most important fish in the sea, that’s not what’s most important. What matters for menhaden and other forage species is whether or not we are leaving enough fish in the water to serve their vital role in the ecosystem. ...
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