Category: Blog

Watching for Gray Whales Also Means Keeping an Eye on Ocean Health

Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Blog, Councils

By Theresa Labriola –  It’s that time of year, when the gray whale migration peaks as they leave their northern Pacific feeding grounds for their breeding grounds in the warm lagoons of Baja California, Mexico.  In December, I visited Granite Canyon Research Center, south of Monterey, CA, where the Southwest Fisheries Science ...


Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Blog, Wild Oceans

How did I get here? People wonder, “How did a New York lawyer wind up advising on the management of Pacific fisheries, striped marlin, long lines and drift nets?” My family’s boat rarely left the dock without me on board. Whether fishing for striped bass or tuna, in calm waters ...

Pacific Council Finishes Precautionary Plan to Protect Unmanaged Forage

Author: Theresa Labriola Posted Under: Sardine, Blog, Councils, Prey Base

By Theresa Labriola –  In September 2015, I attended the Pacific Fishery Management Council in Sacramento to celebrate the Council’s completion of their first ecosystem-based amendment, three years in the making, which will protect unmanaged and unfished forage fish from directed commercial fishing. The Council approved regulations drafted by the National Marine ...

Mid-Atlantic Moves to Safeguard Unprotected Forage Base

Author: Pam Lyons Gromen Posted Under: Blog, Councils, Prey Base

“Scoping Reveals Emerging Forage Fisheries” By Pam Lyons Gromen At the October 7th meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, we heard disturbing word from the region’s fishermen that a handful of unmanaged forage species are already the target of commercial fisheries, including round herring, Spanish sardine and chub mackerel, ...

Pacific Council Finishes Precautionary Plan to Protect Unmanaged Forage

Author: Wild Ocean Team Posted Under: Blog, Councils, Prey Base

In September 2015, I attended the Pacific Fishery Management Council in Sacramento to celebrate the Council’s completion of their first ecosystem-based amendment, three years in the making, which will protect unmanaged and unfished forage fish from directed commercial fishing. The Council approved regulations drafted by the National Marine Fisheries Service ...

Unfinished Business

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Sustainable Fishing Practices, Big Fish

“There are still threats to big fish that need our attention” By Ken Hinman In this summer’s edition of the Wild Oceans Horizon, I wrote about the tremendous progress we’ve made securing measures to save big fish from indiscriminate fishing and aid in the recovery of billfish, bluefin tuna and ...

Wild Oceans Releases “Resource Sharing”

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Sustainable Fishing Practices, Publications

New Paper Outlines a More Natural Way to Fish in Wild Oceans To sustain life in the ocean while at the same time ensuring a healthy future for fishing at sea, we need to fish as part of the natural system, as one among many predators, argues a new white ...

New White Paper on Resource Sharing

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Sustainable Fishing Practices, Publications

RESOURCE SHARING:  The Berkeley Criterion On August 10th Wild Oceans will release a “white paper” entitled Resource Sharing: The Berkeley Criterion, written by president Ken Hinman. It describes what he believes to be a more balanced, more natural and far wiser alternative to our present way of managing marine fisheries, specifically those for ...

Resource Sharing: The Berkeley Criterion

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, Sustainable Fishing Practices, Publications

When we fish, we join the ocean world as predators. That is what we are, by nature, and have been since early times. But unlike other predators, we are limited only by the limits we set for ourselves. Or so we’d like to think. We are subject to all the ...

Slow Down on Changes to Fisheries Law

Author: Ken Hinman Posted Under: Blog, MSA

“We Need Wisdom and Time to Understand the Best Way to Improve the Magnuson Act” By Ken Hinman “Nothing fails like success, because we don’t learn from it.  We learn only from failure.” – Kenneth Boulding, economist The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 has been a success. ...