Author: Ken Hinman
Wild Oceans was born back in 1973 as the National Coalition for Marine Conservation in the lovely coastal city of Savannah, Georgia. I showed up 5 years later – with a girlfriend, 2 dogs and a VW bug; in other words, everything a young man needs except a job – and ...
The third in a series of blogs, A Question of Science, which looks at changes in the way we assess the health of one of our most important prey species. In the first two parts of this series I described how the 2010 Atlantic menhaden stock assessment was scrapped after it triggered ...
Here’s our latest Ocean View editorial, just one of the features that appears in our member newsletter, the Wild Oceans Horizon. For access to more insightful articles and fisheries news written by our staff, please consider supporting Wild Oceans as a member. Is the menhaden fishery certifiably “sustainable”? Not yet it isn’t. The Marine Stewardship Council ...
The second in a series of blogs, A Question of Science, which looks at changes in the way we assess the health of one of our most important prey species. I started following and attending Atlantic menhaden stock assessments on a regular basis in 1999. That same year, as a ...
Introduction to a new blog series, A Question of Science, reflecting on how the health of Atlantic menhaden, one of the most important prey fish in the sea, is assessed. Confirmation bias is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions. – Science Daily ...
I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? Plastics. There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? ‒The Graduate, 1967 The following story was originally published in the Wild Oceans Horizon newsletter in spring of 2017. (Issue No. 152) ...
Time to Move Forward – FORAGE FIRST
Below is Ken Hinman’s introduction to the 2004 report, Taking the Bait: Are America’s Fisheries Out-competing Predators for their Prey? Since publication of that report, researched and written by Executive Director Pam Lyons Gromen, Wild Oceans (then NCMC) has helped put forage fish conservation at the center of today’s national ocean agenda. ...
No Going Back
The National Marine Fisheries Service is questioning whether long-standing measures to minimize longline bycatch, such as time-area closures, are still needed. The answer is most emphatically yes. No Going Back by Ken Hinman July 2018 The first meaningful action taken to reduce bycatch in the U.S. pelagic longline fisheries occurred ...
The following editorial appears in the Winter 2018 edition of The Wild Oceans Horizon. Become a member to receive our newsletter on a regular basis. The Year Looked Good on Paper by Ken Hinman We did everything we could to get where we wanted to be. But it turned out not to ...
A Giant Leap for Fishkind
The following article was written by Wild Oceans president Ken Hinman for the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of the Big Game Fishing Journal. The magazine asked him to recount for its readers the actions that led directly to the historic longline area closures enacted earlier that year. A GIANT LEAP FOR ...
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